Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home2/rhudgens/public_html/libraries/joomla/updater/updater.php on line 275
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home2/rhudgens/public_html/libraries/joomla/updater/updater.php on line 275
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home2/rhudgens/public_html/libraries/joomla/updater/updater.php on line 300 HomeBackyard Homesteading - Homesteading tips for the acreage challenged!https://backyard-homesteading.com/2024-11-21T06:39:58+00:00Joomla! - Open Source Content ManagementGrowing up Homestead - The Homestead Kid's Life June 23, 2016 Chris' Visit 2016-06-23T01:44:00+00:002016-06-23T01:44:00+00:00https://backyard-homesteading.com/blogs-v15-14/homestead-blog/160-growing-up-homestead-the-homestead-kid-s-life-may-13-2017.htmlChristinecwatson@backyard-homesteading.com<div class="feed-description">The Homestead Kid's Life is an amazing life full of wonder and challenges. <img src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/byhkids623.JPG" alt="" />
School is out and the fun has started. The kids are taking turns staying with me for a few days at a time (well it was more like a week for Ari LOL). The goal of these short stints is to give each one individual attention and to do things that are special and fun with them. </p>
</div><div class="feed-description">The Homestead Kid's Life is an amazing life full of wonder and challenges. <img src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/byhkids623.JPG" alt="" />
School is out and the fun has started. The kids are taking turns staying with me for a few days at a time (well it was more like a week for Ari LOL). The goal of these short stints is to give each one individual attention and to do things that are special and fun with them. </p>
</div>Growing up Homestead - The Homestead Kid's Life May 13, 20162016-05-13T01:44:00+00:002016-05-13T01:44:00+00:00https://backyard-homesteading.com/blogs-v15-14/homestead-blog/159-growing-up-homestead-the-homestead-kid-s-life-may-13-2016.htmlChristinecwatson@backyard-homesteading.com<div class="feed-description">The Homestead Kid's Life is an amazing life full of wonder and challenges. <img src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/stories/DailyBlog/fencing8.JPG" alt="" />
The most important thing in any kids life is love! I don't think we need a scientific study to tell us that love is very important for a child to grow up to be a loveing nuturing adult. This means there needs to be loving nurturing adults in the kid's life. But lots of kids have that in their life so what makes a homestead kid different than kids that don't grow up on a homestead? Wide open spaces and the ability to touch, learn and live experiences. </p>
</div><div class="feed-description">The Homestead Kid's Life is an amazing life full of wonder and challenges. <img src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/stories/DailyBlog/fencing8.JPG" alt="" />
The most important thing in any kids life is love! I don't think we need a scientific study to tell us that love is very important for a child to grow up to be a loveing nuturing adult. This means there needs to be loving nurturing adults in the kid's life. But lots of kids have that in their life so what makes a homestead kid different than kids that don't grow up on a homestead? Wide open spaces and the ability to touch, learn and live experiences. </p>
</div>A Wild Night on the New Homestead2016-05-06T22:44:15+00:002016-05-06T22:44:15+00:00https://backyard-homesteading.com/blogs-v15-14/homestead-blog/158-a-wild-night-on-the-new-homestead.htmlChristinecwatson@backyard-homesteading.com<div class="feed-description">A Wild Night on the New Homestead <img src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/stories/DailyBlog/IMG_1949.JPG" alt="" />
Love! What's love got to do with it? Everything. It is for love that we do the things we do. We keep our grandkids for love. We dog sit the kid's dogs for love. We help our grandkids with homework and pick them up from school and all kinds of other things. All out of Love. So when the kids said "Hey Mom, Can you watch the kids while we run away to Hawaii for a week?" It was out of love that I said, "Yes". Of course, about halfway through the week I was questioning my sanity LOL. </p>
</div><div class="feed-description">A Wild Night on the New Homestead <img src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/stories/DailyBlog/IMG_1949.JPG" alt="" />
Love! What's love got to do with it? Everything. It is for love that we do the things we do. We keep our grandkids for love. We dog sit the kid's dogs for love. We help our grandkids with homework and pick them up from school and all kinds of other things. All out of Love. So when the kids said "Hey Mom, Can you watch the kids while we run away to Hawaii for a week?" It was out of love that I said, "Yes". Of course, about halfway through the week I was questioning my sanity LOL. </p>
</div>A New Homestead for a New Beginning2016-05-06T22:44:15+00:002016-05-06T22:44:15+00:00https://backyard-homesteading.com/blogs-v15-14/homestead-blog/157-a-new-homestead-for-a-new-beginning.htmlChristinecwatson@backyard-homesteading.com<div class="feed-description"> A New Homestead for a New Begining<img src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/fencing7.JPG" alt="" />
</div><div class="feed-description"> A New Homestead for a New Begining<img src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/fencing7.JPG" alt="" />
</div>Paraflexx - What is it and why do you need it?2016-05-07T01:55:22+00:002016-05-07T01:55:22+00:00https://backyard-homesteading.com/preserving-food/dehydratingdrying-food/156-paraflexx-what-is-it-and-why-do-you-need-it.htmlChristinecwatson@backyard-homesteading.com<div class="feed-description"><p>
Anyone who has been dehydrating for a while will tell you that you need something to cover your <img alt="" src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/apples 066.JPG" style="width: 181px; height: 117px; float: right;" />dehydrator trays when you are drying fruit leathers, liquids or anything else that could fall or ooze between the holes of the mess sheets. </p>
There are options out there. There are disposable options and reusable options.</p>
</div><div class="feed-description"><p>
Anyone who has been dehydrating for a while will tell you that you need something to cover your <img alt="" src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/apples 066.JPG" style="width: 181px; height: 117px; float: right;" />dehydrator trays when you are drying fruit leathers, liquids or anything else that could fall or ooze between the holes of the mess sheets. </p>
There are options out there. There are disposable options and reusable options.</p>
</div>Homestead Livestock Guardians - Livestock Needs Them and They Need You2014-04-03T20:19:25+00:002014-04-03T20:19:25+00:00https://backyard-homesteading.com/raising-goats/155-homestead-livestock-guardian-livestock-needs-them-and-they-need-you.htmlChristinecwatson@backyard-homesteading.com<div class="feed-description"><p>
There are many types and breeds of livestock guardians out there and which is used is dependent <img alt="" height="244" src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/Burr and Buckets.JPG" style="float: right;" width="184" />upon individual hoestead needs. </p>
</div><div class="feed-description"><p>
There are many types and breeds of livestock guardians out there and which is used is dependent <img alt="" height="244" src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/Burr and Buckets.JPG" style="float: right;" width="184" />upon individual hoestead needs. </p>
</div>With Kidding Season Comes Heartache and Joy2014-04-03T20:19:25+00:002014-04-03T20:19:25+00:00https://backyard-homesteading.com/raising-goats/154-with-kidding-season-comes-heartache-and-joy.htmlChristinecwatson@backyard-homesteading.com<div class="feed-description"><p>
Every experienced homesteader knows that this time of year is one of the busiest times on</p>
<img alt="" height="190" src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/stories/goats/027.JPG" style="float: right;" width="144" /></p>
the homestead but for new homesteaders this can often be an overwhelming time of year.</p>
</div><div class="feed-description"><p>
Every experienced homesteader knows that this time of year is one of the busiest times on</p>
<img alt="" height="190" src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/stories/goats/027.JPG" style="float: right;" width="144" /></p>
the homestead but for new homesteaders this can often be an overwhelming time of year.</p>
</div>Small Harvest Preserving - Dehydrating Carrots for Carrot Treats and Powder2014-03-06T20:03:00+00:002014-03-06T20:03:00+00:00https://backyard-homesteading.com/preserving-food/dehydratingdrying-food/153-small-harvest-preserving-dehydrating-carrots-into-carrot-powder.htmlChristinecwatson@backyard-homesteading.com<div class="feed-description"><p>
Have you ever come across a great sale on produce but thought you couldn't buy it becuase you <img alt="" src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/carrots 022.JPG" style="width: 223px; height: 166px; float: right;" />have not place to store all those carrots in the frig or more jars on your shelves? I know we all hate to admit it but there does come a time when there is just no more space for storage. If you tried to store another 40 pounds of carrots your shelves might fall in. </p>
At times like that it's time to dehydrate and take it even one step further and powder your dehydrated produce. It works really great on foods like sweet potatoes and carrots. Because we all know there are hundreds of things to do with carrots and sweet potatoes.</p>
Powdered carrots are great to keep in storage becuase it turns that 40 pounds of carrots into literally ounces. They are great to use as baby food, sneak veggies into your kids food and even just mix them up and eat them plain. They are just yummy.</p>
</div><div class="feed-description"><p>
Have you ever come across a great sale on produce but thought you couldn't buy it becuase you <img alt="" src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/carrots 022.JPG" style="width: 223px; height: 166px; float: right;" />have not place to store all those carrots in the frig or more jars on your shelves? I know we all hate to admit it but there does come a time when there is just no more space for storage. If you tried to store another 40 pounds of carrots your shelves might fall in. </p>
At times like that it's time to dehydrate and take it even one step further and powder your dehydrated produce. It works really great on foods like sweet potatoes and carrots. Because we all know there are hundreds of things to do with carrots and sweet potatoes.</p>
Powdered carrots are great to keep in storage becuase it turns that 40 pounds of carrots into literally ounces. They are great to use as baby food, sneak veggies into your kids food and even just mix them up and eat them plain. They are just yummy.</p>
</div>Homesteading on the Cheap - Dehydrated Apple Treats Using Apple Peels and Cores2014-01-22T20:03:03+00:002014-01-22T20:03:03+00:00https://backyard-homesteading.com/frugal-living/152-homesteading-on-the-cheap-dehydrated-apple-treats-using-apple-peels-and-cores.htmlChristinecwatson@backyard-homesteading.com<div class="feed-description"><p>
Recently I dehydrated about 20 pounds of apples. I peel and core my apples before dehydrating them <img alt="" height="125" src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/apples 020.JPG" style="float: right;" width="224" />so that made for a lot peels and cores. They would never go to waste because we have the goats and chickens that love to have them as a treat but I just couldn't help thinking there had to be a way to use them to make a tastey treat that we could eat. Especially since much of the vitamins are in the peels and core of the apple. I decided to start experimenting and this is a tastey little treat that I came up with. Yes, it uses the entire peel and core, seeds and all. If you like you can remove the seeds but I leave them in.</p>
</div><div class="feed-description"><p>
Recently I dehydrated about 20 pounds of apples. I peel and core my apples before dehydrating them <img alt="" height="125" src="https://backyard-homesteading.com/images/apples 020.JPG" style="float: right;" width="224" />so that made for a lot peels and cores. They would never go to waste because we have the goats and chickens that love to have them as a treat but I just couldn't help thinking there had to be a way to use them to make a tastey treat that we could eat. Especially since much of the vitamins are in the peels and core of the apple. I decided to start experimenting and this is a tastey little treat that I came up with. Yes, it uses the entire peel and core, seeds and all. If you like you can remove the seeds but I leave them in.</p>